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Play and have fun for charity
Join us in the 2nd RCSI Poker Night and experience exciting poker tournaments, snacks and drinks.
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RCSI Wine Selling Campaign ...
Successful Wine Selling Campaign to support End Polio Now - A big THANK YOU to all buyers and donors
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RCSI Charity Poker Night ...
... to benefit Rotary's social projects
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RCSI Partner Club Meeting ...
RCSI hosts Partner Clubs from France and Italy
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RCSI talk
The end of economic globalization or a fresh start? 
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RCSI Christmas Event
It was a magical evening ...
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Ronald McDonald House ...
Christmas time in the Ronald McDonald House Tübingen
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RCSI Christmas Dinner ...
Our Christmas Dinner 2022 in a wonderful atmosphere
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RCSI Pennant Exchange ...
View our pennant collection!
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RCSI Pennant Exchange ...
View our pennant collection!
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RCSI Fundraising-Dinner
RCSI supports young Ukrainian talents at John Cranko School Stuttgart
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Farewell ...
Farewell to Angelina and Daniel Magnotta
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RCSI at the "Wasen"
... having a good time togehter!
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RCSI Handover Ceremony
Dr. Wilhelm Frey takes over the presidency for RY 2022-23 from Dr. Miriam Cirugeda-Kühnert
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RCSI Support Sister Margret
RCSI once again to support Sister Margret at the Franziskanerstube in Stuttgart
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Exchanging Pennants
Governor Dr. Klaus-Günther Strack and RCSI President 2022-23 Dr. Wilhelm Frey exchanging pennants.
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Neckar punt tour in Tübingen ...
A stunning evening: Neckar punt tour in Tübingen
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Was ist Rotary
Rotary vereint Persönlichkeiten aus allen Kontinenten, um Dienst an der Gemeinschaft zu leisten.
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Über Uns

Welcome to the Website of Rotary Club Stuttgart-International, the only Rotary Club in the larger Stuttgart region dedicated to the international community.


Welcome to the web page of the Rotary Club Stuttgart-International (RCSI)

Designed to offer a home for internationally experienced and expatriate members, we are the ideal first address for foreign Rotarians, looking for a Rotary Club during their visit of the Stuttgart region. We have a large diversity of experience and age, and we have a strong team-spirit. We provide local connectivity as well as access to the esteemed Rotarian network here in Germany and throughout the world.

We are a team of currently 53 international minded and experienced business people, entrepreneurs, educators, artists, doctors, lawyers, consultants and other valued members of their respective communities. Our members represent 14 nations: Germany, USA, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece, France, Bulgaria, Russia, Egypt, Burkina Faso, Niger, Romania.

With an average age of 54 years, we count among the younger Rotary Clubs in District 1830.

Our mission: Rotary Club Stuttgart-International joins leaders from all cultures and occupations who appreciate teaming up respectfully with other club members to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and advance goodwill and peace around the world. We are a non-political and non-sectarian organization, open to all people with international experience, regardless of race, colour, conviction, religion, gender or political preference.

Our club usually meets weekly at the Maritim Hotel Stuttgart on Thursdays at 19:30. Any Rotarian and those guests, recommended by other Rotarians, are welcome to attend our meetings.  The formal club language is English. In addition to our meetings, we also have frequent social events and outings that take advantage of opportunities in and around Stuttgart and the surrounding area.

Since our foundation in 2011, we had lots of social engagement activities:

>  Helping people in need in the Stuttgart region with several hands-on activities: Christmas Party in December in cooperation with Caritas and quarterly breakfast services with Sister Margret in Stuttgart

>  Financing an apartment in the Ronald McDonald House in Tübingen to provide a home-away-from-home for families of sick children who are receiving care in a nearby hospital

>  Supporting the worldwide “End Polio Now” campaign by collecting plastic caps for recycling. The raised funds are tripled by the Bob and Melinda Gates Foundation.

>  Collecting bikes every 2 years for young South African pupils and financing the construction of a classroom building there. Next collection will be in Spring 2021.

>  Supporting artists who financially suffered from Covid-19 Pandemic.

And many more as you can see from our projects on this web page.

RCSI is an exciting and dynamic club, with members having outstanding international experiences and skills. Our meeting topics cover a very wide range of themes in the field of social matters, ecology, technology, financial areas and politics.

If you have further questions, please contact Barbara Klein: Stuttgart-international@rotary1830.org


Lesen Sie hier weiter?

Neues aus dem Club

Modern Criminal Investigations

Breaking Down Crime

Insights from Andreas Stenger on Modern Criminal Investigations
Insights from Andreas Stenger on Modern Criminal Investigations
On Thursday, February 6th, we had the pleasure of hosting an illuminating lecture at the Akademie der Schönsten Künsten in Stuttgart, both in-person and online. Andreas Stenger, President of the Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg, led us through the intriguing world of true criminal cases and shared insights into modern crime-fighting. In his talk, Mr. Stenger explored the booming true-crime genre and contrasted the dramatized portrayal of investigations in film and literature with the reality of police work. Drawing on practical cases, he demonstrated how innovative criminal investigation techniques and advancements in forensic ...

2nd RCSI Charity Poker Night

Play and have fun for charity

For details on registration, location, fee and agenda, please read the article.

Building Bridges and Fostering Change

Another inspiring project

We were honored to host another inspiring meeting filled with impactful discussions and meaningful connections. Here’s a look at the highlights:

Induction Ceremony

Induction of Thilo Bräuninger

We are thrilled to welcome Thilo Bräuninger as the newest member of our RCSI family!

International Club Exchange

Rotary Fellowship in Action

Hosting John Baptist Wasswa from Rotary Club Masaka, Uganda

Highly cherished last meeting of the year

RCSI Christmas Dinner 2024

RCSI members come together to celebrate Christmas and win in the tombola for another good cause.

RCSI Christmas Event at Heilandskirche

St. Nikolaus is back again

RCSI celebrates Christmas for children and adults at Heilandskirche in Stuttgart


Datum / Uhrzeit
Club / Ort
Thema / Beschreibung
18:00 - 23:00
Nuts Livepoker, Kriegsbergstr. 28, 70174 Stuttgart
Charity Poker Event
Beschreibung anzeigen

Parking from 6 pm for 2 € in the parking garage at the main station

  • We meet at 6 pm for a warm welcome and an aperitif
  • We enjoy an introductory poker course starting from 6.15 pm to learn the rules and how to play
  • Short Break to have a drink and snacks at 8 pm
  • Get serious and start the Freeroll poker tournament Texas Holdem at 8.30 pm
  • Honor the winner of the night at around 11 pm

Ticket price per person / donation: 95 €

Snacks and drinks will be provided.

Please register early, come along, enjoy a new experience and bring along some friends to share it with!

19:30 - 21:00
Academie der Schönsten Künste
From Challenges to Innovation: Redefining Equipment Leasing with Flexvelop
Beschreibung anzeigen

by Dr. Hans-Christian Stockfisch - CEO Flexvelop

Discover the journey behind Flexvelop, from its challenging beginnings to becoming a game-changer in business equipment financing. The founder, Hans-Christian Stockfisch, will tell us about how his startup overcame obstacles to create an innovative leasing solution that empowers businesses to stay agile, optimize cash flow, and unlock growth potential.
(this presentation was originally scheduled on Feb 6th) 

19:30 - 21:00
Academie der Schönsten Künste

Discussion led by Dr. Niraimathi Appavu-Gauss and Ksenia Palagushkina

Projekte des Clubs
The Responsible Teen-Mom

The Responsible Teen-Mom
Concert with Diana Haller in S

Concert with Diana Haller in S
Bikes for South Africa

Bikes for South Africa
Kranshoek classrooms

Kranshoek classrooms
Support Polio Campaign

Support Polio Campaign
Stuttgart Breakfast Kitchen

Stuttgart Breakfast Kitchen

Night of the Stars

Night of the Stars
Mehr Projekte
Mehr Projekte

Neues aus dem Distrikt

Aalen-Heidenheim : Krankenwagen für letzte Herzenswünsche

Ein starkes Zeichen für Menschlichkeit: Mit einer Spende von 40.300 Euro unterstützt der RC Aalen/Heidenheim die Anschaffung eines neuen Krankenwagens.

Aalen-Heidenheim : Krankenwagen für letzte Herzenswünsche

Ein starkes Zeichen für Menschlichkeit: Mit einer Spende von 40.300 Euro unterstützt der RC Aalen/Heidenheim die Anschaffung eines neuen Krankenwagens.

D1830: In Kürze

Neues aus dem Distrikt: Zeichen für Umweltschutz

D1830: In Kürze

Neues aus dem Distrikt: Zeichen für Umweltschutz

Purpose bei Rotary: Ohne Sinn hat alles keinen Zweck

Der RC Künzelsau-Öhringen lud zu einem Impulsvortrag von Frank Dopheide zum Thema "Purpose" ein.

Purpose bei Rotary: Ohne Sinn hat alles keinen Zweck

Der RC Künzelsau-Öhringen lud zu einem Impulsvortrag von Frank Dopheide zum Thema "Purpose" ein.

Distrikt/Stuttgart: Demokratie verstehen, erleben und schützen

Mit den „Demokratiewochen“ griffen der RC Stuttgart-Flughafen-Messe und der Rotary-Distrikt 1830 ein etabliertes Konzept auf.

D1830: In Kürze

Neues aus dem Distrikt: Gemeinsam für Europa

Bescherung an der Autobahn: Weihnachtliche Überraschung ...

Rotary verteilt an Heiligabend Geschenke an Lkw-Fahrer, um ihnen für ihre Arbeit an den Feiertagen zu danken.